ColdSpark® Project Officially Commences on June 1st, 2022
“Coldspark driven energy and cost-efficient methane cracking for Hydrogen production”, is a Horizon Europe project funded under EU’s Research and Innovation Actions. Its ambition is to validate a novel non-thermal plasma technology for large-scale hydrogen production from methane, with a strong focus on achieving optimal process energy efficiency.
The Kick-off meeting of the ColdSpark® project has been organized in Sandnes, Norway between 15th and 18th of June. The event was hosted by the project coordinator SEID AS. During the meeting, all the working packages were presented, providing an opportunity for the partners to engage in constructive dialogue and pave the way for the project’s successful implementation.
The participants’ fruitful discussions and effective collaboration showcased a promising foundation for attaining the project’s predefined goals and objectives. The project team is dedicated to achieving its targets and is also open to the possibility of surpassing expectations along the way.