The ColdSpark® Second Consortium meeting was held in Barcelona, Spain on 19-20 December 2022. The meeting was hosted by IREC and held in a blended form. In total, 22 participants representing all project partners took part in the event participating on-site, or online.

The meeting was opened by Terje Hauan, the project coordinator from SEID AS. All WP leaders reported on the progress of their respective areas and announced the next steps for the next six months. The partners focused on reviewing the progress of the first 6 months of the project and planning upcoming activities and tests.

During the second day, special attention was paid to the work packages dedicated to communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities, as well as to the overall project management. The consortium on networking activities has reached 1700 potential end-users so far.

At the end of the second day, a Technical committee meeting was held to discuss the upcoming tasks and start of a series of promising lab-scale testing activities in the first months of 2023.  All the partners are excited and expecting very good results that we hope to be able to share soon.

Stay tuned and check the ColdSpark® website and LinkedIn account for the latest news.