WP5 will create an industrial desktop front end engineering design to validate the industrial feasibility and use model data and WP6 will evaluate the sustainability of innovations through LCA and LCC methods. WP7 will be dealing with Communication and Dissemination (C&D) activities and will help the exploitation of the technologies developed within ColdSpark. WP8 will assure smooth project management. Below you can find information and updates on the project progress and partners’ work.
D5.2: Aspen/ HYSYS model for or industrial scale fine-tuned with long test campaign results from Task 4.3
Partner in charge: NORCE
Dissemination level: Sensitive
D5.3: Industrial scale plant FEED fine-tuned in iteration with LCA/TEA in WP6
Partner in charge: NORCE
Dissemination level: Sensitive
D6.1: Methodology framework and baseline definition for life cycle studies
Partner in charge: The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)
Dissemination level: Sensitive
D6.2: Preliminary LCA-LCC results
Partner in charge: The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)
Dissemination level: Sensitive
D6.3: Final LCA and LCC report
Partner in charge: The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)
Dissemination level: Sensitive
D6.4: Techno-economic assessment
Partner in charge: The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)
Dissemination level: Public
D7.1-D7.4 Plan for Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication
Partner in charge: EUROPROJECT EP
Dissemination level: Sensitive
D7.5: Communication and dissemination final Report
Partner in charge: EUROPROJECT EP
Dissemination level: Public
D7.6: Exploitation plan (Common business plan)
Partner in charge: EUROPROJECT EP
Dissemination level: Sensitive
D7.7: Report on synergies with relevant initiatives, projects and programmes
Partner in charge: EUROPROJECT EP
Dissemination level: Public
D7.8: Report on carbon market potential and business opportunities
Partner in charge: SEID AS
Dissemination level: Public