SEID AS is a Norwegian green/cleantech company and is one of the world’s leading providers of air pollution control systems. SEID’s non-thermal plasma technology (NTP) and switch-mode power supplies are registered in the European Union as the best available technology (BAT) in many industries. SEID was founded in 1997 as Applied Plasma Physics, with headquarters at Norway and has now offices in India and China.
The company’s odour abatement reactor, ModuPlasmaTM, powered by the advanced power supply, ModuPower®, is sold to many industries that include pet food, animal and fish feed, sewage treatment, and water treatment industries. SEID is fully equipped to design and develop large-scale reactors and power supplies (having installed more than 2500 modules across the globe).
ColdSpark role: SEID AS is the project coordinator and leads WP1, WP3, WP8.
2. The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC)
The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), founded in 2009 and placed in Barcelona and Tarragona (Spain), carries out research and innovation in many different fields of study in the science and technology energy sector. IREC promotes scientific and technological knowledge connected to clean energy and its effective use, develops technological solutions, and transfers solutions and skills to market actors, all of which contribute to sustainability. Its activities include direct collaboration with top industrial partners as well as regional, national, and international programs. The institute also helps political decision-makers and promotes renewable energy technologies.
ColdSpark role: IREC will conduct a full environmental, economic and technology assessment to study the environmental and cost performance of the solution and demonstrate its competitiveness. This action is led by the LCA team from the Energy Systems Analytics group at IREC. The partner leads WP6.
3. The University of Stavanger (UiS)
The University of Stavanger (UiS) is Norway’s sixth-largest university and is in Stavanger, which is the energy capital of Norway. UiS is an experienced participant of international projects. UiS participated in more than 20 FP7 projects and currently involved in 5 Horizon Europe projects, 27 Horizon 2020 projects, COST Actions, EEA projects and nationally funded projects.
ColdSpark role: UiS will lead the WP2 on the management of impurities and separation technologies. UiS will bring expertise in separation technologies for the removal of impurities/ unwanted products at the inlet and outlet of the plasma reactor.
NORCE is one of Norway’s largest independent research institutes with more than 700 employees, an annual revenue of around 850 MNOK and some 400-500 scientific publications a year. NORCE provides research and innovation in the fields of environment, energy, health, climate, society, and technology. Their solutions respond to key environmental and societal challenges, contributing to value creation locally, nationally, and globally. NORCE head office is located in Bergen – with significant representation and research infrastructure in Stavanger, Haugesund, Kristiansand, Grimstad, Tromsø and Oslo.
NORCE contributes with research and innovation for the benefit of both public and private sectors. Their strategic framework is based on long-term commitment to research and higher education, excellence, the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the upcoming Horizon Europe mission areas. NORCE will prioritize four focus areas: 1) Safe communities, 2) Sustainable Ocean and coast,3) Climate challenges 4) Sustainable energy production.
ColdSpark role: NORCE main role is related to scale-up design, facilities and industrial modelling. NORCE will operate lab-scale and large-scale prototypes and will contribute with experimental competences, engineers and instruments where needed, including flow process modelling. The partner leads WP4 and WP5.
5. Europroject (EP)
Europroject (EP) is a consulting company established in 2005 in Sofia, Bulgaria, highly specialized in the setting-up and management of innovative EU projects and ensuring wider impact on its partners’ success by providing them with Communication and Dissemination (C&D) expertise. EP is working with large industry, research institutes, universities, public bodies, SMEs, and NGOs from all over Europe under Horizon Europe, LIFE and Erasmus + programmes. Together with its sister company Euroquality, it has more than 60 past and current EU projects in its portfolio, and it is now part of Warrant Hub S.p.A., subsidiary of the Italian group TINЕXTA.
ColdSpark role: EP is leader of WP7 – Exploitation, Communication and Dissemination activities and has a supporting role in project management activities.
6. IBBK Biogas Network (IBBK)
IBBK Biogas Network (IBBK) was founded in 2000 by the former head and co-founder of the German Biogas Association, as biogas technology and policy specialist with a broad expertise in the design and planning of agricultural and industrial biogas and bioenergy applications. IBBK consists of a network of over 9000 biogas and biomethane plants in Germany. IBBK provides consultancy services for economic efficiency to the industry operators, organizes conferences and trainings. The IBBK founder is also the founder of GERBIO, the “German Biogas and Bioenergy Society”, an association of +40 bioenergy plants in Germany – a network that ColdSpark will have access to.
ColdSpark role: IBBK will support the demonstration of the opportunity for the plants to shift to H2 production and the eventual commercialization among its members, as well as C&D activities.
7. The University of Liverpool (UoL)
The University of Liverpool (UoL) is a member of the prestigious Russell Group, comprising the leading research universities in the UK. The University has led a world-leading and multidisciplinary plasma research team, advanced knowledge and delivering applications in a range of key areas, including environmental clean-up and the synthesis of fuels and chemicals. UoL is equipped with state-of-the-art plasma diagnostics and analytic facilities for cutting-edge multidisciplinary plasma chemistry and catalysis research and has established successful collaboration with both academia and industry in the UK and abroad.
ColdSpark role: UoL will mainly focus on the development and optimization of the plasma methane cracking process at lab scale (WP 1) and support the scale-up and process integration through other WPs.